The Arabic (Muslim) people of North Africa ruled parts of Spain from about 711 to 1492.  They not only influenced the architecture, food and culture of Spain, but also the Spanish language.  It is estimated that there are a couple of thousand current Spanish words that can be directly traced to the Arabic language.  Below are a few of the more common ones.

aceite (m.) oil
aceituna olive
adobe (m.) adobe (sun-dried brick)
aduana customs, customs house
ajedrez (m.) chess
Alá (m.) Allah (God)
alacena cupboard, closet
alacrán (m.) scorpion
albacora albacore (tuna)
albahaca basil
albaricoque (m.) apricot
albóndiga meatball
alcalde mayor
alcancía coin bank
alcaparra caper
alcachofa artichoke, shower head
alcoba bedroom
alcohol (m.) alcohol
Alcorán (m.) Qur'an (Koran)
aldea village
alfalfa alfalfa
alfiler (m.) pin
alfombra carpet
algodón (m.) cotton
algoritmo algorithm (problem-solving method)
alguacil sheriff
almacén (m.) store, warehouse, grocery
almanaque (m.) almanac
almíbar (m.) syrup
almirante admiral
almohada pillow, cushion
alquiler (m.) rent
arrecife (m.) reef
arroz (m.) rice
atalaya watchtower (f.), guard (m.)
ataúd (m.) coffin, casket
atún (m.) tuna
ayatolá (m.) ayatollah
azafrán (m.) saffron
azar (m.) al azar = at random
azote (m.) whip
azúcar (m. or f.) sugar
balde (m.) bucket
baño bathroom
barrio neighborhood
berenjena eggplant
café (m.) coffee
califa (m.) caliph
carcajada loud laughter, guffaw
cero zero
cifra numeral, figure, amount, sum
cimitarra scimitar
cuzcuz (m.) couscous
chaleco vest
chisme (m.) gossip, rumor
dado die (pl. dice)
derviche (m.) dervish
dinar (m.) dinar
embarazo pregnancy
fez (m.) fez
fideo noodles for soup
fulano so-and-so
guitarra guitar
harén (m.) harem
hasta until (prep.), even (adv.)
hazaña feat
¡hola! hello!
imán (m.) imam
imán (m.) magnet
islam (m.) Islam
jabalí (m.) wild boar
jaque (m.) check (in chess)
jaqueca migraine
jarabe (m.) syrup
jinete (m.) horseman
jirafa giraffe
lima lime
limón (m.) lemon
macabro, a macabre (adj.)
marfil (m.) marble
máscara mask
momia mummy
mono, a monkey, ape
naranja orange
¡ojalá! I hope!, God willing!
¡olé! bravo!
paraíso paradise
quiosco kiosk
ramadán (m.) Ramadan
rehén hostage
res (f.) beast, animal; carne de res = beef
rincón (m.) corner
robo robbery
rubio, a blond(e)
sandía watermelon
sorbete (m.) sherbet
sultán (m.) sultan
talco talc
tamarindo tamarind
tambor (m.) drum
tarea task, assignment
tarifa tariff, rate
taza cup
toronja grapefruit
valija suitcase
zanahoria carrot

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