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6 Thick Slice of Hake
6 White Boiled Asparagus
10 Olive Oil (1 dl.)
3 Eggs
2 Clove garlic
6 Prawns
18 Shellfish
Italian Parsley chopped


We start off by finely chopping the two garlic cloves and put them in the casserole with the olive oil to saute it. When the garlic is golden, take the casserole off of the heat and wait until the oil is cooler. Next, put in the casserole dish the seasoned hake slices. With the fire, we should softly move the casserole in a to and fro motion continuously, getting a homogeneous and thick sauce. This takes more or less 8 minutes, 4 minutes for both sides of the hake slice.

The shellfish is better boiled separetely, to avoid mixing the sable with the hake sauce. When the shellfish are open we add them to the hake's casserole.

The prawns and eggs, previously boiled, are added to the hake casserole, the first being peeled and the second cut through the middle.

Finaly decorate the rest with the white boiled asparagus and sprinkled with finely chopped parsley.


1 Legatza (Zerratan)
3 Arraultza
6 zainzuri
6 Otarrainskak


Legatza zerrale gazitu egiten dira.

Berahatzale oliotan frijitu egiten dira, poliki txikitu ondoren. Berahaltzak kolore hartu erduko, olioa epeltzer utzi,legaltza zerrak bota eta landu egiten da ( lurronzia ezkerretara eta eskuinetara mugituz) sutatik aparte, olioemulsionatu dadin, eta zurituz hasten deneak zerrak itzuliz. Hau sutatile hurbil egin behar da, olioa bero egon dadin (baina irakin gabe)

Gero, txirlak ipini eta sutan jartzen da hauek zabaldu arte.

Gero, zainzuriak eta arraultzak(egosita eta lau zatitan ebakita) ipintzen dira.

Amaitzeko,perrexila gainetik bota, poliki txikituta.

This recipe sent to me by Maite Arnaiz Aranzasti and Juan Carlos Lopez Duque

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